Procurement services

Most donor organisations may not have the in-house competences or flexibility to organise the supply of health commodities. IDA has extensive experience as a procurement agent (PA), managing entire procurement processes for large-scale programmes. These programmes involve comprehensive services, including issuing tenders to suppliers, freight forwarders and labs; overseeing quality assurance and quality control; arranging transport and logistics; and stock keeping. Where applicable we use data driven solutions to maximise our performance. Specific services vary from one programme to another, and can be customised to the needs of the donor or end user.

IDA is currently the PA for several programmes, each of which has a dedicated procurement and customer support team to facilitate efficient solutions-oriented collaboration and to operate as one supply chain.

    • Global Fund’s Pooled Procurement Mechanism (PPM). IDA is responsible for the programme countries' supply of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spray (IRS)
    • USAID Procurement and Supply Management (PSM). As part of a consortium led by Chemonics, IDA supplies all HIV/AIDS-related health commodities to recipients of USAID/PEPFAR funding


In the past years, IDA also fulfilled the role of procurement agent for:

  • Global Drug Facility (GDF)
    IDA was responsible for the procurement of 1st and 2nd line tuberculosis medicines to countries approved by the GDF. We also managed the buffer stock of medication for 1st and 2nd line tuberculosis medicines from our warehouse.
  • Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
    IDA supplied hepatitis C (HCV) medicines as part of in-country programmes for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

    Until 2021 IDA procured medicines for opportunistic infections and antimalarials (non-ACT), condoms, diagnostics, and lab equipment for the Global Fund PPM programme. Other previous procurement projects include a paediatric ARV project for the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), HIV/AIDS and malaria procurement for the government of Togo.